Player information
Whilst using owning a server, having information on your players when you need it is one of the most powerful tools in staying in control at admin level, from checking reports to checking their economy history and balances there are 2 ways that we can check information on a player.
Using the Player Search Function
The first way to check information on your players is using the player search function, from this you will be required to enter their GamerTag/PSN to yield the results the bot has on that username. The most information it can give you is confirmation of the GamerTag/PSN you entered, if linked it will share with you their Discord Username and finally their console, weather it be Xbox or Playstation.
To use this feature we will need to use the command /pl search and enter the players in-game Username, hit enter and the bot will show you the information it has stored on that player, please see below for an example;
Getting Player Information
Another great way to check out your player base is using the command /pl info this will search their Discord Username instead of their GamerTag or PSN, it will be required however that they are linked to yield results. If they are linked you will see the following information;
Console Platform & GamerTag/PSN
Economy Wallet Balance
Economy Bank Balance
Total Economy Balance
Total Economy Purchases
Admin mute Yes/No
Player Mute Yes/No
We will cover the meaning of mute in the next chapter of this documentation, but for now please see below for the example when using this command;