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List of Commands (Admin)

Full List of Commands & Effects
(Server Owners)

Please use the blue text as instant links to the documentation on that command.

/gs add-gp
Adds your GPortal server
/gs list Shows a list of your Gameservers
/gs test
Tests the connection of your Gameserver
/gs update-gp
Change the details of your Gameserver
/gs delete
Deletes Gameserver
/gs enable
Enables/Disables your Gameserver by selecting Yes/No
/gs onlineplayers
Allows you to set an active Voice Channel to show server pop
/gs adminchannel Allows you to set a channel for admin spawning feeds
/gs sync-roles
Allows you to create a synchronization between game and Discord roles
/premium activate
Sends you a link to activate Premium
/premium status
Shows current status of Premium
/premium coupon
Allows you to add a premium Coupon
/premium switch
Switches premium across gameservers
/premium buymeacoffee
Send link to donate towards the project
/premium cancel
Stops future payments and cancels premium
/feeds config pvp
Configures the PvP channel
/feeds config pve
Configures the PvE channel
/feeds config event
Configures the Event channel
/feeds game add
Configures in game text
/feeds game list
Lists in game messages
/feeds game delete
Deletes in game messages
/feeds discord add
Configures in Discord messages
/feeds discord list
Lists in Discord messages
/feeds discord delete
Deletes in Discord messages
/pl info
Provides info about a player
/pl search
Search for a linked player via GamerTag
/pl link
Allows owners to link players accounts
/pl setlinkedrole
Adds players to role on linking
/pl refreshlinkedrole
Adds discord role to all linked players
/pl setplayernickname
Changes players Discord names to Console name when linking
/pl refreshplayernickname
Changes all linked players names to Console name
/pl unlink
Unlinks a Discord user from their GamerTag
/chat setup
Setup note edit chat
/chat mute
Turns on/off player admin mutes
/chat say
Adds message on screen in game
/cmd group-add
Adds a new command group
/cmd group-edit
Edits an existing command group
/cmd group-list
Lists all command groups
/cmd group-delete
Deletes a command group
/cmd add
Adds a new command to a group
/cmd edit
Edits an existing commands in a CMD Group
/cmd delete
Deletes a command from a group
/cmd list
Lists all commands in a group
/cmd run
Runs a command group
/category add
Adds a category to the Economy
/category edit
Edits a current Category
/category list
Lists all current Categories
/category delete
Deletes a Category
/product add-item
Adds a product to a Category
/product edit-item
Edits a product
/product info
Shows information about a Product
/product delete
Deletes Items, Kits and Teleports from the Economy
/product add-kit
Adds a kit to the Economy
/product edit-kit
Edits a Kit
/product add-tp
Adds a teleport to the Economy
/product edit-tp
Edits a Teleport
/eco currency
Changes the currency of Economy
/eco startbal
Sets starting balance of players
/eco setbal
Allows you to edit everyone's balance
/eco give
Gives funds to a selected player
/eco take
Takes funds from a chosen player
/eco reward-pvp
Sets reward for PvP events
/eco reward-pve
Sets reward for PvE events
/eco reward-event
Sets reward for claiming events in Discord
/eco bigwheel
Configures the Bandit Camp wheel
/eco blackjack

Configures the Blackjack feature

/eco logs

Prints admin logs of the Economy System

/tc addupdate
Allows you to add a timer to existing groups
/tc list
Shows a list of command groups with timers applied
/tc trigger
Allows you to manually trigger a timed command
/tc delete
Deletes a timer from an existing command group
/lb pvpkills
Displays a leaderboard of PvP kills
/lb pvpdeaths
Displays a leaderboard of PvP deaths
/lb pvekills
Displays a leaderboard of PvE kills
/lb pvedeaths
Displays a leaderboard of PvE deaths
/lb pvpkd
Displays a leaderboard of PvP KD
/lb pvekd
Displays a leaderboard of PvE KD
/pl wipelb
Wipes all leaderboards back to zero
/bind add Adds a bind for a CMD to a "Emote Wheel"
/bind edit Edits a bind to a "Emote Wheel"
/bind list Shows all current "Emote Wheel" binds
/bind delete

Deletes a current "Emote Wheel" bind

/tip key

Enables you to enter your Tip4Serv key for linking your gameserver


The command for claiming items/subscriptions following a purchase

/pl disband-clan

Allows admins to disband any clan on the Discord server