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Feed Type

PvE: AutoTurret

{PlayerName} was spotted by an auto turret

PvE: Bandit Sentry

{PlayerName} didn't obey the bandits rules

PvE: Bear

{PlayerName} couldn't out run a bear

PvE: Bled Out

{PlayerName} gave up

PvE: Bleeding

{PlayerName} bled out

PvE: Boar

{PlayerName} was mowed down by a boar

PvE: Chinook

{PlayerName} was gunned down by chinook

PvE: Code Lock

{PlayerName} was electricuted by a code lock

PvE: Cold

{PlayerName} turned into an ice statue

PvE: Drowned

{PlayerName} ran out of oxygen

PvE: Fall

{PlayerName} could never get the hang of gravity

PvE: Heat

{PlayerName} was burnt to a crisp!

PvE: Heli

{PlayerName} was gunned down by heli

PvE: Suicide

{PlayerName} wanted to try their luck with a new life

PvE: Scientist

{PlayerName} died to a Scientist

PvE: Player Killed Scientist

{PlayerName} killed a Scientist

PvE: Radiation

{PlayerName}'s geiger counter needs repairing

PvE: Wolf

{PlayerName} was chewed alive by a wolf

PvE: Metal Barricade

{PlayerName} got stuck in a metal barricade

PvE: Wood Barricade

{PlayerName} got stuck in a wood barricade

PvE: Wood Wire Barricade

{PlayerName} got stuck in a wired wood barricade

PvE: Bear Trap

{PlayerName} was caught in a Bear Trap

PvE: Cactus

Cactus's are no joke {PlayerName}

PvE: Campfire

Roasted {PlayerName} like a marshmellow

PvE: CargoShip

{PlayerName} was ran over by Cargo Ship

PvE: ElevatorLift

{PlayerName} doesn't know how to operate an elevator

PvE: Fireball

PvE: Oil Fireball Small

PvE: Fireball Small

{PlayerName} died to a fireball

PvE: Flameturret Deployed

PvE: FlameTurret Fireball

{PlayerName} got trapped by a flame turret

PvE: High External Stone Gate

PvE: High External Wooden Gate

PvE: External Stone Wall

PvE: High External Wooden Wall

{PlayerName} died climbing into someones compound

PvE: Shotgun Trap

{PlayerName} was gunned down by a shotgun trap

PvE: Landmine

{PlayerName} stepped on a landmine

PvE: Napalm

{PlayerName} showered in Napalm

PvE: Floor Spikes

{PlayerName} stepped on some spikes

PvE: Tesla Coil

{PlayerName} was shocked by a tesla coil

PvE: Hobobarrel

{PlayerName} died homeless

PvE: Rowboat

{PlayerName} died to a row boat

PvE: Entity: NO NOT USE

DO NOT USE: It doesn't do anything.

PvE Placeholders Feed List

The below is a list of placeholders that

Placeholders Description Example
{PlayerName} Displays Players Name private_wire
{GameConsole} PlayStation or Xbox Playstation
{PvEKills} How many times they have killed a scientist. 24
{PvEKD} Scientist K/D 4.8
{PvEDeaths} How many times they have died to a scientist 5
{Reward} The reward amount 200
{Wallet} How much is in the players Wallet 0
{Bank} How much is in the players Bank 1005
{Currency} The Unit of Measurement for the currency Scrap