Troubleshooting Common Issues
Bot is unresponsive/not posting
From time to time there may be issues with your bot, as we push updates and the server providers change things, there may be times where you need to force a re-connection. Below are a few examples of how we can do this, it is also worth noting that these are in the order that we recommend you trying them;
Update Connection
We can generally do a "soft" reconnect by performing the update command, this is /gs update-gp, when performing this command please only select your server, nothing else and simply send the command. Allow 5 minutes and then check your feeds.
Disable & Re-Enable
A more direct and deliberate way of forcing a re-connection is by using the command /gs enable and then select "NO" to disconnect the server from the bot, allow 5 minutes for it to be completely disconnected, followed by the command /gs enable and then selecting "YES" to force a reconnect, again, please allow another 5 minutes for the bot to connect.
Restart your Gameserver
Sometimes it can be a connection issue that can only be resolved by restarting your gameserver, head over to your server providers webpage, select your gameserver and then click the "Restart" button. Allowing the server to completely restart, this generally can take anywhere upto 15mins, however it is worth noting that at peak times this can be longer. Once the server is back online, we also recommend using the /gs update-gp command again just to ensure all is well.
Re-Add Bot Permissions
A final way to try and force the connection is by re-adding the bot username within the server providers permissions. It is the same way in which you set the bot up. Head over to the server providers webpage, select your server and you should see a tab named "Permissions" by selecting this you will see you will already have the username of the bot, please remove this, save the edit and then re-add it. In case you need it the bot username is:
Killfeed wont Display after editing
Because we allow custom killfeed text, there will be times when mistakes are made and more often than not we find that its with the placeholders, such errors can cause the killfeed to not recognize the placeholder and stop it from working completely, please ensure that all of your placeholders are correct.
The other reason we find is that you are using words that are filtered out by a profanity filter, these can be but not limited to:
Racial Comments
Sexual Comments
Terrorism Comments
Hate Comments
All of the above when editing feeds can be check first using the global.say command within your server providers command console, followed by your custom text. Generally, if it doesn't show in screen, its been filtered or there is an error and you will need to revisit your wording.
G-Portal Issues
There have been times where the "Console" within the G-Portal webpage is blank, and remains blank following any direct interaction. To check this, please enter a command of any kind into the text box located below the console and hit send. If nothing responds, then we encourage you to please open a customer support ticket with G-Portal, let them know that your Console has stopped producing feeds and one of their amazing support team will assist! Please see below for how the console may look when in this state;