Timed Commands Introduction
Welcome to our next premium feature on the list, Timed Commands. Through this part of the documentation we will be going through how to apply an automatic timer to the CMD groups for them to run periodically at a time frame of your choice, completely automatically.
Timed commands will play a huge part in relieving some of your manual duties as a server owner, not forgetting that it also allows you to run in game messages very frequently on screen, giving you the power to now advertise your communication platform (Discord and others) on screen for all of your users to see.
Timed commands can also be used for things like enabling and disabling PVE modes in game, trigger custom automatic events, rewarding your player base on a regular basis, the possibilities for you and your players are now endless in terms of what you can do.
It is a highly recommended that if you are unsure of what Command Groups are, that you please read through its documentation by clicking here before continuing.