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Using in-game Notes for Chat

In-Game chat - Probably one of the most requested features we have had to date. This allows players to use in-game notes and edit them for a re-print of this in the killfeed section in-game for everyone to see (I know, tongue twister right?!)

By default this is disabled as we are aware that players from mixed platforms sometimes use the notes to share things like item locations, base codes and general communication, so it will need some enabling, but before we start, please note: Players MUST be linked using the /link command, there is no exceptions, there is no way round it... lets get into it!

Enable in-game Chat (Owner)

To start the process of in-game note chat you have to activate it from within Discord. This can be done by using the /

Enable in-game Chat (Player)


Mute Players breaking Rules


Un-Mute Players Following a Ban


Disable in-game Chat