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Adding Items & Kits to Economy

Adding Items to a Category

Welcome to the fun part of building your in Discord RCE store!

The first thing we are going to cover is how to add an item! Using the command /product add-item we can initiate the process of adding items into the store. As you will see in the image below, we have up to 12 customizable options, these aren't all mandatory except the initial 4 which are;


Mandatory Options

Category - Please select which category you wish for this item to be placed in.

Name - Please name the item - This is personalized and is not referring to the item name, if selling Metal Fragments in a bundle of 1,000 then maybe call it 1,000x Metal Fragments.

Price - You will need to price this item accordingly within your store.

Item-short-code - This will give you an extensive list of all items in the game, please start typing the name of the item and then click your option as it appears in the list. The bot will then code the item in using it's built in item-short-codes.

Optional Options

server-cooldown - You can specify that only one player can buy this and then a cool down timer is enabled at your required length. (Must be whole number and time is in seconds)

player-cooldown - You can specify after a player has purchased the item, how long he then has to wait to purchase it again, this will not affect any other players ability to buy this product. (Must be whole number and time is in seconds)

Quantity - By default the quantity will be 1, to set your chosen quantity then please click quantity and set your amount.

position - You can adjust the order in which these items appear in your store by clicking this menu, starting at 0
eg; 0=1st, 1=2nd, 2=3rd, 3=4th ect...

can-specify-quantity - Yes/No, players can specify if they want to buy multiple numbers of this product at once.

delivery-delay - You can specify how long after the item is purchased it takes to receive delivery, this can be extremely useful if they are experiencing a raid, it will stop them instantly sealing constantly using the shop to buy doors ect.
(Please enter whole numbers and time is in seconds).